I love book recommendations. I'm always on the lookout for suggestions, and as I progress through my reading list, I either purchase new books or add them to my wishlist at the retailer where I usually shop.
I hope this tip proves useful to those interested!
I just finished reading "Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals" by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic.
It's the type of book I love because it allows for the immediate application of new knowledge.
It's very well-written and structured, full of practical examples. It covers important topics such as understanding the context for structuring the presentation, choosing effective visuals (with many valuable tips on charts, including type, colors, fonts, alignments, axes, accessibility for color-blind individuals), principles of Gestalt Visual Perception, concerns about saturation, design, and constructing the narrative to engage the audience, as well as case studies.
As I progressed through the book, I started adjusting my charts and the way I usually present data.
My view on visual presentations, whether or not they involve data, has definitely changed.
Published originally in Portuguese on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/priscilazvmezzena_storytelling-datavisualizations-activity-7055658787700883456-VhGy?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop